Buy and Sell
If you have gear in good condition that your child is not using anymore and would like to sell or swap it, send an email to with a short description, a picture and an email address you can be reached at - see examples below - and we will put it up on our website.
If you are looking for some gear, please send us a message with what you are looking for and we will post it on the website.
We will do our best to have your ad on the website within 48 hours. The club assumes no other commitment or responsibility regarding this service.
By using this service you agree to the following conditions:
- Let us know immediately when an item has been sold/swapped. Items are subject to removal from the website after three weeks.
- You acknowledge the club is not responsible for:
- the quality of the items put for sale/swap on the website
- the accuracy of the gear's description and photo provided through the website.
- You acknowledge that:
- any transaction is between members and does not involve the club.
- the information provided is public and can be accessed by anyone.
Arctica Insulation Jacket

Descriptive: Size M
Contact: Marc
Giro Seam Helmet

Descriptive: Size L
Contact: Emilie
Atomic Skies

Descriptive: DL SL 165 cm
Contact: Jake
No gear for sell or swap at this time. Check back later.
No gear for sell or swap at this time. Check back later.