
Parent volunteers play a major role in the success of our programs. Without the participation of parents we wouldn’t be able to organize races. Club races and our annual Nancy Greene Festival acts as an informal and fun introduction to racing for our athletes and parent volunteers. Zone and FIS races expose our athletes to higher levels of competition without the cost of traveling to away hills.
For those new to ski racing, the unknown can be quite overwhelming and intimidating. All the jobs are easy and we are here to help, answer questions and will do our best to mix experienced and new volunteers.
Volunteer Buy Out
We ask that families volunteer for at least 3 days either before, during or after the season.We have lots of jobs that need to be filled. Some jobs are done on the hill and others are off so EVERYONE can volunteer! For those families that can't volunteer, there is a Volunteer Buy Out program of $300 that can be selected at the time of registration.
Examples of Volunteer Positions
- BBQ Committee (off hill): Purchasing supplies, baking, cooking, set up and take down.
- Silent Auction (off hill): Collection, organization of items, set up, working tables, collecting payment and take down.
- Merchandising Committee (off hill): Booth displaying, selling KAT shirts/jackets, submitting and tracking orders. Collecting payment etc.
- Gate Keeper (on hill): Responsible for writing down on a card if a racer does not follow the correct path through the course. Usually looks after 3-4 turning gates.
- Course Worker (on hill): Responsible for maintaining the course in racing condition throughout the event. Mostly slippers (skiing down the hill to push loose snow off the racing line).
- Hand Timer (on hill): Responsible for taking split times on a stop watch when a racer passes a predetermined point (start/finish).
- Score Board (off hill): Writes down racers finish time on big board.
- Assistant Starter (on hill): Puts racers into a line.
- Bib Collector (on hill) : Yup you guessed it, collects bibs at the end of race.